Tuesday 25 March 2014

She's got legs...

You’ll remember my Jean Genie post where I told the world that I had 20 pairs of jeans and you in return told the world how many you had. Wasn’t that fun? Thanks for joining in.

The results of the survey are in. 27% of you own more than 15 pairs of jeans and the same percentage own 4 pairs or less with the average ownership being 9.3 pairs. I’m guessing the point 3 refers to the teeny tiny denim hot-pants that you’ve got hiding in your sock drawer, yes? Oh don’t deny it ‘Mr. I-like-to-pretend-I’m-Miley’ from Harpenden. I’ve got the data!
Anyway, as an antidote to all those jeans, I set myself the ‘NO JEANS TO WORK WEEK’ challenge. And copping out by calling in sick is against the rules - though the labrynthitis/vertigo that hit me on Sunday night nearly got me bed and dressing gown bound for the week, I can tell you.
No, I actually have to go to work wearing only skirts, dresses or trousers (but definitely no jeans or trousers pretending to be jeans). May I also add that I’m not allowed to buy anything new immediately before or during the challenge to make it easier. I will have to make do with what I already own – which is 2 skirts, one pair of black trousers and some chinos (which I would usually reserve for summer, so let’s pray for some sun!).
I do have dresses but they are a bit summery and I don’t think that March, me or you are quite ready for bare leggedness just yet. Setting myself this challenge is either dumb or inspired and I don’t know which yet.

What I decided to do, which I never do for an ordinary jean week at work, was to plan my outfits. There was no way I could risk faffing around each morning trying to work out what to wear. If I did this, the result would be lateness for my son and me – and as you know, I can’t abide lateness. And under that kind of pressure I may succumb to jeans or walk out the door looking a right old state – and that may just be a little bit worse than being late.
So here, in pictures and words, is my ‘NO JEANS TO WORK WEEK’…da da daah!


TOP: Grey asymmetric top from Phase Eight. Love this top!
SKIRT: Black jersey skirt from H&M. I bought this about 3 years ago, but they have many colours and patterns available in store now. Only a ridiculous £3.99!
SHOE/BOOTS: These were a very wise purchase a few months ago. They are a grey/mocha suede shoe/boot from Marks and Spencer. They are really comfy and look good with straight leg jeans or skirts. I can’t see them online now but look out for similar this Autumn/Winter if you want a versatile piece of footwear.

Marks and Spencer shoe/boots - so versatile.


TOP: This was a very lucky find in the back of my wardrobe. I can’t remember exactly how long I’ve had it, but about 4 years I reckon and I think it was from River Island. Glad I found it - I like it’s bagginess in contrast with the tight skirt.
SKIRT: Same as Monday
SHOE/BOOTS: Same as Monday
HAIR: Models own! And cut into a sharper bob the night before.
JACKET: From H&M. I love this. It fit’s so well and looks more expensive than its £24.99 price tag. It goes well with jeans too – funnily enough! Lots of colours available.
TOP: Striped t-shirt from H&M
TROUSERS: Chinos from NEXT
Ironically, although these chinos are very comfortable, they are out of my comfort zone. I feel a bit ‘Prince William’ in them and as lovely as he is, he’s not one of the people I tend to channel when I get dressed in the morning. I bought them last summer but when I tried them on again at home, I wasn’t really sure of them. I was going to take them back but lost the receipt and thought oh what the hell - I’ll keep and wear them anyway.
SHOES: Clarks. Not sure they are exactly right for this outfit – but I didn’t have much choice and they are my faves.

Clarks shoes - such a cute little buckle!

BLOUSE: Grey with a slight dotted pattern from H&M
SKIRT: This is embarrassing now, but yes, you’ve guessed it, it’s H&M! It’s fairly old but, again, they do similar versions year after year. I like this one because it’s lined and not too clingy.
SHOE/BOOTS: as before


TROUSERS: From Topshop. Now these have to be about 6 years old. I used to really love them, and I still like them a lot, but I’ve not worn them for well over a year. I originally bought them to wear with trainers and a casual printed t-shirt.
TOP: Grey jumper from NEXT (these come in an array of colours and look good with a shirt underneath too).
SHOES: Clarks. These shoes are cute - though Mr.B said they look a bit ‘Blackadder - ish’!

He does have a point 'M'lord'

Friday was my least favourite outfit of the week – something just not right about it for me and I felt scruffy all day for some reason. A good tip when deciding what to chuck out or keep, is to ask yourself 'would I buy the item again if I saw it in a shop today?' If the answer is no - then get rid!

So how was my ‘NO JEANS TO WORK WEEK’?
After the initial denim separation anxiety, I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it quite inspiring. It was quite a talking point too actually. I had comments like ‘Ooh what are you all dolled up for?’ and ‘you’re looking very elegant today’ and ‘don’t you look smart!’ Interestingly, Wednesday’s outfit got more tongues wagging than the other outfits and I think it’s because it’s quite a different look for me (and they’re obviously not used to royalty looky-likeys). But maybe, just maybe, it was because it wasn’t black and grey like all the other outfits that week! Jeez – where’s that injection of colour that I promised myself back in January?

So, next week, why don’t you, go through your own wardrobes (though how exciting it would be to go through someone else’s) and wear the things that haven’t had an outing in a while? Go on – I dare you! We’re all guilty of getting ‘ploddy’ with our clothes choices and that’s probably because we’re usually rushing in the morning and just grab for what we know works. This a totally reasonable tactic for busy people, but if we all just take 10 minutes the night before to plan an outfit for the next day, I reckon we could all get so much more from our wardrobes.
But approach this dare with caution. I now have a long list of items that I want to buy to make my no jeans weeks even more interesting and colourful!

Which brings me neatly onto the exciting news that, H&M in St. Albans has just got BIGGER! Am I happy? Hell yeah!
M x

I’d like to wish all the mums a very happy Mother’s Day for Sunday (30th). I hope that you have a wonderful day feeling loved and appreciated. Just a homemade card and a cuddle will do the trick for me. In the evening I’ll be singing for my supper at The Farmers Boy, St. Albans. Mmmm – what to wear? What should, or more importantly, shouldn’t, a 41 year old mum/singer wear for her upcoming gigs? Good question. I will have some answers and pictures for you next time.


  1. You are my fave style guru! Keep it coming and have a fab mother's day :) Off to get some of those skirts, bargain!

  2. Enjoy the skirts - they've got different lengths and wraparound style now too! Skirt heaven in fact! X


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